Existing Outside the System

It is not easy for many right now, whether you are operating within the system or outside of it. I personally will not comply with some of the excessive rules and regulations, and others I will. It’s all about balance and what feels right. And, ultimately, the change begins from within. In my family, we are living in a paradox. We love our new home and are creating a homesteading/homeschooling life that feels like living in a dream. We have made some new friends who we love, and still connect with old friends (like my 5D consciousness group who I love so dearly)! Yet, for me, I am managing some challenging ancestral pattern-breaking. (Check out this past post for some tips on how to heal conflicts with others.) It feels empowering, yet sad. Invigorating, yet confusing. Many of us are experiencing similar pattern-breaking, confronted with the shadows within us (which others in our lives can mirror back to us!) and with healing, through understanding and compassion for the perspective/point of view of another.

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The Collective Detox is Here

Awakening to the sad truth of what has been done to us by those in control through mind manipulation and social conditioning, which is happening right now but much more blatantly. The cards are all being laid out, and yet some are still in denial of the reality of the level of programming, including the horrors of child trafficking (Jeffrey Epstein was once considered a crazy conspiracy theory, and sadly the rabbit hole goes much, much deeper). The truth is not comfortable or pretty, yet to ignore this is to deny the level of human suffering that we can begin to stop.

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Letting Go of the Old... To Create the New

As hard as it can be to transition from one way to another, the old broken systems were really not working for most of us anyway. I believe it's important to protect ourselves from the constant mental conditioning of the mainstream systems of control around us, and then to move away from the fear of what we see.The dystopian timeline we are seeing is merely an illusion! It's a trick for us to get sucked into a place of fear. It's a paradox - we see what's happening but then try to focus on creating love, healing and freedom to give us hope. I do feel that this will ultimately prevail, and this is the future I have been shown in the Akashic Records. Still, can make it a whole lot easier for ourselves if we can resist and reject the dystopian reality that is being presented to us. We must stand up and say "no", and this takes courage especially when our own friends and family can lash out, due to their own fear, against anyone who is challenging their conditioned worldview. It is understandable (mostly) since it is so hard to accept the level of deception we have been fed. Compassion and understanding is truly the way....

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