Existing Outside the System

It is not easy for many right now, whether you are operating within the system or outside of it. I personally will not comply with some of the excessive rules and regulations, and others I will. It’s all about balance and what feels right. And, ultimately, the change begins from within. In my family, we are living in a paradox. We love our new home and are creating a homesteading/homeschooling life that feels like living in a dream. We have made some new friends who we love, and still connect with old friends (like my 5D consciousness group who I love so dearly)! Yet, for me, I am managing some challenging ancestral pattern-breaking. (Check out this past post for some tips on how to heal conflicts with others.) It feels empowering, yet sad. Invigorating, yet confusing. Many of us are experiencing similar pattern-breaking, confronted with the shadows within us (which others in our lives can mirror back to us!) and with healing, through understanding and compassion for the perspective/point of view of another.

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The Collective Detox is Here

Awakening to the sad truth of what has been done to us by those in control through mind manipulation and social conditioning, which is happening right now but much more blatantly. The cards are all being laid out, and yet some are still in denial of the reality of the level of programming, including the horrors of child trafficking (Jeffrey Epstein was once considered a crazy conspiracy theory, and sadly the rabbit hole goes much, much deeper). The truth is not comfortable or pretty, yet to ignore this is to deny the level of human suffering that we can begin to stop.

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The Flickering Candle in the Wind

Overall, the energies with us now are asking us each to trust and go with the flow. This is much easier said than done! When we allow ourselves to examine what feels blocked, we can begin to forgive ourselves, others and help us move through this time. While staying cautious and respectful to keep us healthy and thriving, we can still question the narrative to preserve our freedoms, even when it means feeling like we are the only one.

Ultimately, this is about us learning to expand into our lightbody as Divine beings, learning to "be" rather than "do," and to operate from a Higher Self-guided perspective of feelings (with the heart) rather than thinking (with the brain). We need both feelings and thinking, but the heart is best as a leader of the brain.

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